Latest Past Events

Treetop Ropes Course~ Student Ministry

Join us on a treetop ropes course on Saturday, September 18, at 3:00pm at South Run RECenter in Springfield, VA! The cost is $45 per student (as always, scholarships available). Please…

Back to School…FIZZ, POP, BOOM!

Fairfax Circle Church 3110 Chichester Ln, Fairfax

I am so excited about our Back to School Bash….Fizz,Pop,Boom!  It starts at 5:00 on Saturday the 21st. We have some great take home activities for families, and some fun…

Food Drive

Fairfax Circle Church 3110 Chichester Ln, Fairfax

Once a month on the 4th Satuirday from 10am-12pm we will be unpacking large bags of rice and dried beans and repacking them in smaller bags. We will also be sorting fresh…