Hypothermia Response

Hypothermia Response Ministry

For more than a decade, Fairfax Circle Church has partnered with other churches, Fairfax Country and the local non-profit FACETS to host Hypothermia Response.

Each year, hundreds of individuals living on the streets, in cars, and in abandoned buildings in Fairfax County/City search for shelter from the winter weather. Beginning each year in late November, FACETS works with 31 faith communities in the area to offer safe places to sleep and nutritious meals to homeless men and women through their website is facetscares.org (Hypothermia Prevention and Response under "Programs"), for more information. This program is one of several operated across Fairfax and Falls Church in partnership with the Fairfax County government.

In operation since 2003, the program has evolved from solely offering a safe haven to also offering life-enhancing programs. Last year 305 guests were served in the Hypothermia Prevention and Response Program. Many of these guests participated in case management services, leading to 38 individuals moving off the streets and into housing.

Fairfax Circle serves in this program in February. We transition our building into a one-week shelter providing guests with a place to sleep, three meals a day plus snacks, metro fare cards and other services. This ministry requires a large number of volunteers.

Hypothermia Response Ministry


Hypothermia Response Week (HRW) is a wonderful opportunity to serve our homeless neighbors while housing them on our campus for a week. We provide our guests with a warm, safe place to stay and three meals each day. Below you will find simple job descriptions for our volunteer positions during the week:

Morning Guest Services (5/5:30-7:30am) - Gently awaken guests, serve breakfast, and send them off for the day with a bagged lunch. Some minor clean up is involved.

Lunch Crew (1:30-2:30pm) - Prepare sandwiches and other bagged lunch items for our guests. Restock breakfast items and prep salad bar fixings.

Meal Planner (3-8pm) - Create the menu and meal plan for dinner. Work alongside the meal service volunteers to prepare, serve, and clean up the meal. Dishes are involved. Dinner is served at 6:00pm.

Meal Services (3-8pm) - Prepare, serve, and clean up dinner with a team of volunteers. Washing dishes and kitchen clean up is involved. Dishes are involved. Dinner is served at 6:00pm.

Dessert (5pm) - Provide 20 servings of your homemade dessert specialty (Cakes, pies, bars, etc.) and drop it off at the church by 5:00pm. Items other than brownies and cookies are preferred.

Evening Guest Services (4:30-10:30pm) - Welcome our guests and help them feel at home. Enjoy dinner, a movie, or some other evening activity with them. Clean up downstairs after our guests head up to bed, and set up overnight snacks and drinks upstairs. Hourly bathroom inspections are involved.

Late Night Guest Services (10:30pm-1:30am) - Quietly welcome any late-arriving guests, help them get settled, and offer to reheat a meal for them as needed. Most of this shift is spent in the church office while our guests sleep. Bathroom inspections are involved.

Questions? Email us at: info@fairfaxcirclechurch.org

Some Statistics

  • 31% of Fairfax County homeless are employed
  • 51% are families mainly due to domestic violence
  • 6% are military veterans


Contact Information

Email hrw@fairfaxcirclechurch.org


Ways to Help

  • Pray. Pray that God will move you to participate, volunteer, donate, and open your heart to those in need
  • Give.  Donate money to the church, donate clothing items for the guests, donate supplies from the list below.
  • Volunteer. Give your time through volunteer opportunities. Use the blue button above to sign up.
  • Help Lead. We are looking for more people to help lead the ministry.  If you are interested please email us.


Donation List

Food Items

  • Candy (leftovers from this recent Halloween or Christmas are fine)

Hygiene Items - ALL are needed but especially:

  • Small bottles of Gold Bond powder
  • Toothpaste
  • Soft bristle toothbrushes
  • Deodorant

Other Items

  • White crew socks (unused)
  • White t-shirts - variety of sizes
  • Febreeze
  • Dress clothes for interviews (for men and women)
  • underwear (unused)


Partner Sites

Hypothermia Team in Action