Meal Pack

Fairfax Circle Church Meal Pack

Fairfax Circle Church Meal Pack

  • Exciting and effective!
  • Volunteers hand-pack the meals.
  • 2-hour shifts all weekend long.
  • Meals donated around the world.
  • Kids are fed and lives are saved!

Feed My Starving Children

Hope begins with nutritious food. At least 6,200 children die each day from hunger-related causes. Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) is a Christian non-profit organization committed to feeding God’s starving children hungry in body and spirit. We partner with FMSC to bring this meal pack event to our own community. That way we can work alongside our neighbors to help change the world, one child at a time. Here's a link to a great video from a meal pack event 2016 so you can check out what it will be like.