About Us

A Church For Everyone

Our idea is simple: Find community. Be inspired. Change the world. We invite you to jump in wherever you like. We are a safe place for you to be you. But you will also be challenged to go deeper, grow and live the full life of a follower of Jesus.

At Fairfax Circle Church we welcome and value all people and recognize we are all created in God’s image, and in Christ we are God’s children.  Therefore, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, abilities, income, or political  beliefs we invite you to participate fully in the life of our church. While our members have different beliefs and opinions on theological matters and issues of social concern, we believe that what unites us as followers of Jesus is more important than what divides us. This statement of inclusion signifies our mutual commitment to worship and serve God together, and to treat each other with love and respect regardless of our differences.


Who we are

We are all about community and Jesus. Want to know more?

Plan a visit

Where are we located and what should I wear? These questions answered and more!

Next steps?

We hope you love this group of people as much as we do! If you are ready to get involved or just let us know a little more about you, we are here to help you take the next steps!